Drew and
Kade play in the entry all the time. They ride their cars around the plants I keep in their during the winter. Drew tells me that they are in the "jungle." One of the pots has a large root growing out of it...and Drew says it is a "snake".

The boys at the park!!!

Ronnie and Kade swinging!

Just for the record I was at the park...the camara woman is never in any pics.

The boys getting ready for bed. They both have to drink their milk and hold
their babies. Drew's babies are Sissy and Baby Bear. Kade's baby is named Baby Puppy! We don't go anywhere without all three of them...
This isn't the best picture, but
Kade loves his push toy. He pushes it everywhere. It starts first thing in the morning. He can really go fast, but he can't walk with his legs together...it the cutest little duck waddle.
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