I thought I would spend the weekend in Ceta Canyon (near Happy, Texas) at a women's retreat, but...

a snow/ice storm hit Thursday morning. So I spent two days in the house with my two boys. Kade spent most of his time doing puzzles (his new "thing"), and Drew showed me how to figure out if a number is even or odd (a new skill learned at Pre-school).
We cuddled.
We watched movies.
We played games.
Good stuff....especially because the conference is going to be rescheduled.
I thought last weekend we'd spend the majority of our time home relaxing, but...

we ended up taking the boys to see The Chipmunk movie, eating at Joe's Crab Shack, and bed shopping.
Ugh...bed shopping.
I feel like I need another degree just to figure out what bed is "best".
We have a queen size bed right now, and it's time for a K.I.N.G!
Anybody know what I mean?
So, if you have any tips on finding the perfect bed (under $2,000), leave me a comment.
Sunday we went to church at Second Baptist, took a nap, and I woke-up to the strangest thing.
Ronnie doing the dishes.
My man does a lot of things.
My man does a lot of things.
He works.
He pays all the bills.
He can fix ANYTHING.
He gives the kids baths.
He does all the yard work.
He vacuums,
but never in our 10+ years of knowing each other have I ever seen him do the dishes. Strange things are happening...never a dull moment, and I love it!
Sunday evening, we went back to church for the couple's Bible Study on the Secrets of the Vine. We went to Lubbock after church let out to get some kind of toilet part to fix our bathroom potty (like I said, my man can fix ANYTHING).
Drew requested "green sauce", so we ate at Casa Ole' in the booth next to Texas Tech's new football coach, Tuberville. Not that big of a deal for this Aggie girl, but I threw that in there for all my Red Raider readers. LOL!!!
I just finished the DVD/book series,
The True You: Reclaiming Health and Wholeness for your Mind, Body, and Spirit.
I have to admit, the information presented is still swirling around in my head.
You just don't hear much Biblical teaching on wholeness in your body and wholeness in your soul.
I don't know why?
Seems like most women have either emotional or physical issues...
Can you imagine what a witness Christian women could be to the world if we were healthy physically and emotionally??!!!???
I am just saying...hmmm!
Beth Moore, one of the presenters, had us draw a triangle on our paper.
At the top of the triangle she asked us to write "spirit".
At the bottom, we were to write "body" and "soul" on each end.
She went on to say that we are a three-part being, body, soul, and spirit.
If any of those three areas are not whole/healthy, or if we allow ourselves to become carnally-minded with our body or our soul taking the place as "boss" at the top of our "triangle", we will not be whole. We will not be able to live the Zoe, abundant life, Jesus died and rose again to give us.
1 Thess. 5:23 in the Messages says, "May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ."
So much more to say, but I need to go get dressed for the Monster Truck Rally tonight.
Striving to be healthy and whole.
Blessings, andrea
Great post! Sounds like an interesting study. I just ready two GREAT books and downloaded on my Kindle Kay Arthur's "Being a Disciple. So far, so good. I like it because it's simple and asks questions as you go.
As far as the bed thing goes, all I have to say is take your time. We really shopped around before we bought ours and it was totally worth the wait. As far as mattresses go, if you aren't going to get a sleep number (you know we love ours), my next suggestion is the Spring Air! When we bought our queen when we were living in College Station we shopped and shopped and as soon as we laid down on a Spring Air, we knew it was the one! It was phenomenal and we loved it all 3 years we slept on it!
Hope y'all have fun bringing culture to the boys tonight! HA!
Best of luck with the bed shopping - we just went to a king after 24 years and, oh my, what a luxury!! Can't imagine that we ever waited so long (and to think I wasn't even really convinced we needed it...or needed to spend the money for it!) but the best thing ever! Good night's sleep with go a LONG way to healthy mind, body and soul!! Always enjoy your posts!
Whatever bed you decide to get, get a memory foam mattress to go with it. We LOVE ours. I know you Mom and Dad have one and they love it also. We can't hardly wait to go to bed at night. I sleep so much better. Tell Ronnie congrats on doing the dishes, bless his heart he is just 10 years late, but better late than never. Progress is a great thing. Keep warm and good luck on the bed hunting.
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