We had a great Christmas! Drew and Kade helped me make pumpkin bread for our neighbors, friends, and their teachers at church! For the most part I enjoy baking (especially the tasting) - but all the fun came to an end when I dropped the pan upside down in my hot oven.
Oh yeah - it was a mess!
I need to clean it but keep telling myself I might get a new oven in the next few months...might as well wait. Right???
We tried to start some family "traditions" this Christmas because it was our first Christmas at home. One of the traditions we started was making cookies for Santa. Drew and Kade mixed the sugar cookies up and then rolled them out. I think they turned out great. Ronnie came home from work to help them decorate them...I think he had more fun than they did!
Kade did more eating than decorating. He ate so much sugar that he just started running around the house yelling with his hands in the air. Drew said, "Mom, what is
Kade talkin' about?" We also made cupcakes for Jesus' birthday. The boys decorated them with sprinkles, but for one reason or another I can't find those pictures. Christmas Eve we dressed...it was
every one's first time to go to Church on Christmas Eve; I really enjoyed the time in God's house on His Big Dayl! Then we had an incredibly special meal when we went out to eat at....
(drum roll please)...
McDonalds...Okay..STOP LAUGHING!
I know, I know not the place you take kids on Christmas Eve, but after baking all those cookies I just couldn't stand one more minute in my kitchen. When we got home the boys put on their PJ's and Ronnie and I gave each other new "jamas" (another tradition). The boys opened up tractor blankets and pillowcases I made for them. Ronnie gave them Hungry, Hungry, Hippo, and we played for a hour in our comfy PJ's and had the best time! ( I think that could easily become a Jenkins' Christmas tradition in itself) Then we loaded up in the Yukon and drove all over town looking at lights. When the boys were in bed, our awesome neighbor, Royce, stomped on the ceiling with bells and yelled, "Ho, Ho, Ho!" I wish you could have seen the look on Drew's face...his eyes were as big as saucers.
Christmas morning was really sweet. We played with Santa's gifts, sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, retold the Christmas story, and went around the table talking about what gift we wanted to give Jesus for his birthday. I made notes about what was said on a cloth napkin with traced outlines of every one's hands.
(My thinking is if I do this every year, one day I could have a really cool table cloth pieced together (kinda like a quilt!!??)
My parents and brother came up the weekend before Christmas. Ronnie, Dad, and Chad made the best fajitas I had ever eaten. We had onions, peppers, guacamole, homemade hot sauce, homemade tortillas, the whole nine yards. Drew got an awesome excavator from my parents. He loves it! We played Rummie and watched Old Yeller! I think the best gift of all was them taking the time to come to Levelland to see me!
Both boys loved the hoodies Uncle Chad picked out for them.

Chad gave me a blue
fleece jacket from The North Face. It is embarrassing to admit, but I didn't even know what The North Face was until a month ago...I know, I need to get out more!

Christmas morning
Kade was playing with his new tractor, but he never let go of his new singing toothbrush and box of skittles...
Kade loved his new fish tank...(Ronnie made the stand! Isn't it beautiful?) We have had only one fish fatality, BUT it was the beloved Sucker fish. Drew suggested we get a band-aid, but it was too late! =(

Drew got the John Deere "big scoop" from Santa and has
been scoopin' and
dumpin' ever since!

Mom and Dad got
Kade this Dump Truck for his 2
nd Birthday...the thing is huge! And of course, because
Kade is my little organizer, he loaded up every present he was given and hauled them all over the house!

We went to Ronnie's parents on Christmas Day. We went in with Rich and Charla to buy his parents this nice Bar-B-Que pit!

Sich teaching Drew how to play pinball...he is really good at the game.

Ronnie's parents gave Nanny a diamond ring for Christmas. I told her if she needs to let her finger rest from the weight, I would wear it for a few days!!! =)

Friday night we all played Cranium, and Charla and Richard won (AGAIN) =) . It was so much fun watching my father-in-law act out the word "skate boarder". (I have it on tape!!!) Saturday morning Charla and I took
Kade to meet
Jerri Ann in Memphis. She gave us the grand tour of her new home, and I would describe it if I could, but it is one definitely of those "must see to believe" homes! If I didn't love her so much I might be jealous. We only stayed for a couple of hours, but I could have pulled up a chair and visited with her all day. I have thanked God many times for the gift He has given me in Jerri Ann. She is so genuine and real...a mentor, a friend, an encourager!!! I can call her on the phone and talk for an hour and it feels like only 10 minutes has passed. Good friends are priceless, don't you think?
That was a bunny trail...back to Christmas. Saturday night Charla cooked Corn Chowder (it was amazing) and then Nonni and PaPa took the boys home, and the "big" kids played Scattegories (sp?). I laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants...seriously, I almost did!!!=) Monday, Nonni and I took the boys to the park in Childress and fed the ducks! It was a great visit, but I am glad to be back home and get our routine going again!