Sisters-in-Christ loving on one another.
John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Amanda making roast and lovin' every minute of it!!!
The ladies cooking bacon - we fried, and fried, and fried bacon- I couldn't even tell you how many pounds.
John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Brandon working on Sunday's roast...He even let us put the rhinestone apron on him. What a good sport!!!
What an awesome weekend. Our typical days went like this:
Breakfast at 6:30, the men left at 7, the women would then sing till 8ish, lunch preparation till 10, supper preparation until 3 and then we'd clean and visit until the men would return at 8 to tell us about the day. I LOVED the fellowship with the women...ages ranged from 16-late seventies all with a common goal - to win souls for God's Kingdom. Sunday afternoon's closing was surreal. The men-in-white gave account after account of how God had transformed their lives. Comments like, "I didn't know there was so much love. The outside world thinks we are throw-aways, but we saw agape love through this Kairos" and "I am taking this outside (to the other inmates)." The prison's praise team lead us in two songs...I have never seen grown men worship God so unashamedly. It is ironic, but there was more freedom to worship inside those walls than any church I've ever attended. The Spirit of God was so thick in that room...I could feel it, breath it, touch it! I knew that there were God's angels all around us. It is indescribable. I think the two parts that I enjoyed the most Sunday were watching their praise band sing a song about being happy and "dancing a mile in God's grace" and when the outside angels sang acappella to the men-in-white. I made eye contact with a young boy (no more than 20) who looked just like Drew. While we were singing to them about the gift of salvation and that "everything was done so you would come" we locked eyes. In that moment he knew the love I had for him just because he was my brother-in-Christ. Tears were rolling down his face...and I just wanted to hug him. I don't know why he is in there, and I don't care because there is no sin that my Savior's sacrifice can't wipe clean. All these men were young innocent babies once; they just made bad decision. Romans 8 says God can use all things for good. He is using their time inside to bring them to Him. Someone told me that last month they baptized ten in that unit. How amazing is our God!!!
that is the coolest experience...thank you for sharing....and good for you and your entire group.....bless you all...steph
Sounds awesome. Thank you for asking me to prayer for all of you during this whole weekend. God is amazing!!
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