Saturday, May 9, 2009

Biggest Loser - Bloggin' Style

God's Word says in 3 John 1:2, "Dear Friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are AS HEALTHY in body as you are strong in spirit."

God is concerned with our body AND our spirit. As Christians we should neither neglect or indulge ourselves, but care for of physical needs and discipline our bodies so we can do God's work.
Now, let's get real - My body doesn't function the way God intended it to because I don't treat my body as God's temple...

***Do you know how many times I don't go the extra mile and miss opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ because I am tired and don't have any energy?

***Do you know sometimes I wake up on Sundays bummed because my "church" pants don't fit right?

***Do you know how many times I am not "bold for Christ" (Phil 1:20) because I don't feel good about myself?

John 10:10 God says, "The thief does not come EXCEPT to steal (my joy), and to kill (my enthusiasm), and to destroy (my purpose). I (God) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it MORE ABUNDANTLY."



You are invited to join me in the 12-Week Weight Loss Challenge!!!

(May 11th - August 3rd)

This isn't about getting skinny, this isn't about getting into a size 2 pair of pants, this is about getting healthy!!! This is about offering our bodies as living sacrifices to God (Romans 12:1)!!!

Let's do it TOGETHER!!!
Hebrews 10:24 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."


1. You have to sign in this week with your name and town. (Deadline - May 17th)

YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A BLOGGER TO JOIN IN!!! (If you aren't a blogger - just click on the little envelope at the bottome of the post, type your message, and select "anonymous" to enter).

I don't want to know your weight - I am not asking you for anything I don't want to share myself =) Ha!

2. Every Monday, for the next 12 weeks you have to update us with your progress. (for example: Under May 18th's Monday Post: Dawn Jenkins - 1 pound loss or Dawn Jenkins +.5 pounds)

3. At the end of 12 weeks the woman with the highest PERCENTAGE of weight loss wins. For example: Mary Lou (Lost 10 pounds in 12 weeks) divided by (her beginning weight of 180 pounds) = 6 % *** At the end of 12 weeks I will have everyone email me their results (to protect your privacy) and will announce the winner August 4th!!!

4. If you are a blogger (OPTIONAL), you can join me in posting your progress with a ticker(, weight loss ideas, recipes, etc. on your blog!!!

Grand Prize (drum roll please...)

A $50 gift card to any department store of your choice.


Each person that participates all 12 weeks will receive a personalized brag book.

(example below)

My Promise to You:
1. I will commit to pray daily for each one who signs-up.
2. I will post weight-loss tips, ideas, and/or recipes each Monday.
3. I will also post a verse each week to keep the focus on God in our quest to get healthy! HE, ALONE, is our source of strength.

2 Corinthians 4:7 "We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear THAT OUR GREAT POWER IS FROM GOD, NOT FROM OURSELVES."

(If you have trouble leaving a comment, email me

Ready, Set, Join Me!!!


Jennifer said...

Wow...this is an answer to prayer. I have been working at this exact thing...getting healty - physically, emotionally, spiritually - and really wanting to be best in order to live life abundantly! My goodness, it is so hard going it alone!!

I have lost 7 pounds (a drop in the bucket mind you) but it really is not all about that. I so want to be healthy. Count me in!!

Thanks for challenge - and encouragement!! Have a great Mother's Day!!

Belinda said...

OK I don't need to loose any more weight I got that done, but can I join so I will be accountable for going to the gym ??? Sometimes when we reach our goal we start to slack. and I want to support and join in the prayer chain .....Love ya girl and good luck to all.

Nicole Friedel said...

Oh, Dawn, count me in!! My dad was just diagnosed with type 2diabetes this past week, and both his parents have it. I however, refuse to get it!! Sugar is probably my worst addiction, but I know I need to be healthy for lots of reasons, the most important being that my body should be treated as God's temple. Something I've been doing for the last few weeks after 5pm, is to only eat if/when I'm hungry (what a concept!). I am generally very satisfied with half a sandwich and/or some fruit or raw veggies. Since Darren usually comes home for lunch, I cook our 'hot', big meal then, so a small supper works great for all of us.
BTW: Those brag books look adorable!!
Thanks for the extra motivation and happy mother's day!!

Shannon Rodriguez said...

I'm game! Maybe this will work better than the couple's challenge. Let me know what you need help with. Shannon

natalie said...

Yes, please count me in! It is so much easier with a group. I have about 15 pounds to lose so being held accountable to this group will definitely motivate me.

Enjoy your Mother's Day,

Haylee Potter said...

Count me in!!!

Jennifer said...

Well, day one, right?? Are we starting today? I'm lovin' your Mother's Day photos...what is little one doing in picture 3?? :) So cute.....

Thanks for stopping by my blog today....definitely healing taking place - with regards to moms. Its a prayer thing...

Happy Monday - Jennifer

natalie said...

2 days down!! I done ok so far. Walked 3 miles yesterday, only half a mile today,it was raining!

God Bless,

Amy said...

OK - I'm in! I am on my way, but have a WAYS to go! Glad to have partners, and prayers, on this journey. :)

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I am so excited about this! I just found you by way of Jennifer, so count me in. I arrived back home just in time. This is what I am needing. I have missed part of this week, but here goes starting now. Looking forward to getting healthy with you. Jackie

The Mellberg Family said...

Oh, I'm behind already but count me in.

Jamie said...

I just came to your blog for the first time today. Is it too late to join?


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