Friday, May 22, 2009

"Pinked" Out

I have been "messin" with my blog template all week because I really want three-columns (I love buttons, especially the ones that blink and sparkle. What can I say, I am an accessory girl!). I finally just decided to keep my two-column layout (mainly because I can't figure out how to get three =). I couldn't get excited about any of the layouts and finally decided it was because I am just "pinked" out!
(I never knew that could happen to "me", but it did!!! =) I am packing for our weekend camping trip to the Quartz Mountains in Oklahoma. Between the food, bedding, fishing/camping gear, toys, toiletries, clothes etc. I am thinking I am going to need a U-Haul.
Seriously !!!=)
EXPERIENCED CAMPERS:I need help!!! Leave me suggestions for 'must haves' when camping with small children!!!
(pic above: Quartz Mountains near Altus, Oklahoma)
The boys are so excited about sleeping outside under the stars and cooking over a campfire. I think it will even be warm enough to swim and do a little tubing! The Quartz Mountain Resort has a small amusement/water park, swimming pool, and play ground. I don't know if we will be able to get the boys to leave on Sunday!!!
I'll be honest...after the revival this week (and all the emotions that come with that) I started to tell Ronnie, "I have too much to do and catch-up on this weekend. I am too tired for this trip." You know God is so good to me, and He reminded me of my Beth Moore Memory Scripture for this week is, "I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep growing in knowledge and understanding. For I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND WHAT REALLY MATTERS, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until Christ's return..."
My friend Stacy says, "The more time you spend with them as children the more time they will spend with you as an adult."
I am tired. I have a mountain of laundry to do. I need to iron Ronnie's work clothes for next week. I am walking on a sticky kitchen floor. I need to get post cards out for our new Bible Study that starts June 2nd.
But, I know the more time I sow into my children TODAY, the more our family will reap later. I don't want the "busyness" of life to rob me of memories with my boys. I feel like that is one mistake I have let happen way to often this past year. Way too often!!!
Well that is enough deep thoughts for a relaxing Memorial Day Weekend...I will see you all back here on Monday!!!


jerriann said...

I love it! Everything, the pink out, the new lay out, the color red, the leaving the mess behind to go play with your family. Yes, everything.

Shannon Rodriguez said...

We always take a small wading pool so the kids can play in the water right by the campsite when you're relaxing or getting a meal ready. Take sand toys, etc. You will treasure your time together and I promise you won't regret going. The other stuff can wait. There is always something to do, but they are only little once! Our kids loved it up there and want to go back. Have a safe trip, we'll be thinking about you.

Jamie said...

I hear ya, I feel the same way so often.

When our children grow up they won't say "I'm glad Mom kept our house clean" but they will say, "I'm glad Mom spent time with us". I need to remind myself of this daily.

Belinda said...

You will have a blast, just play with the kids that's what they love. Have a grat trip wish we were there.

Shanda said...

Having the thermarest mats under their sleeping bags helps my kiddos to snuggle right into bed - although they are usually DOG tired from being outside running around so much. Remember to plan a couple of activities to do if (when) it rains - books to read to them, games, etc. Have a blast!!

I have passed on a blog award to you - feel free to stop by and pick it up!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

Jennifer said...

I really like your new look....I may have even tried this one once myself :) I've never camped a day in my life - and, must admit, I have no regrets! But I hope you guys have a great time - how does that impact your eating/diet?? Hoping for a good weigh-in tomorrow morning!


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