Monday, August 10, 2009

Biggest Loser Challenge

Today is the final day!!! Woohoo!!!
I've lost a total of 8 pounds in 12 weeks; but more importantly than that, God has given me my own personal revelation on "staying healthy" and keeping weight off. It took me 11 weeks to figure it out, but it is the true prize for me!!!
I need all of you to email me at and give me your starting weight and weight loss. The "biggest loser" will receive a $50 gift card to the store of her choice!!!
You have until Wednesday to email me your results!!!
Also for those of you who stayed "with it", do not forget to leave me your address, so I can send you a "brag book".
Thanks to all of you for playing!!!


Shanda said...

Congrats girl!!

I wasn't able to stick to it (a month of travel will do that to you!) But I did start back officially at the gym today & am pursuing God's best for me.

Thank you for encouraging each of us along the way. The Scriptures/thoughts that you shared were amazing!

Shannon Rodriguez said...

I forgot to weigh this morning. I'll email you in the morning.

Nicole Friedel said...

Dawn, Thanks so much for doing this; it was a special accountability for me, and I love how you showed God to be part of every detail of our life. Love you!
Lost 6 lbs, certainly not the biggest loser, but have changed my lifestyle of eating & exercising.


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