Saturday, July 25, 2009

Did You Hear That?

Did you hear the roaring of the engines at your house? You should ears are still ringing. SURPRISINGLY, I loved it; I REALLY LOVED WATCHING THE BOYS FACES DURING THE RALLY. We went to the Monster Truck Rally in Lubbock last night.
This truck was the best, but had a mechanical problem after the first round. Ronnie and Jim discussed the "problem" last night, but my knowledge of monster trucks, engines, and suspension is extremely limited, so I am going with the broad term "mechanical problem" Ha!
(Yes, the truck's name is "Nasty Boy". I told Drew they probably named the truck "Nasty Boy" because it was so dirty. =)

The blue/pink one was Ronnie's pick from the start, and it ended up doing the best after the blue truck bowed out. Kade picked the red truck because Red is his favorite, and Drew picked the green truck (bottom pic) because he loves John Deere.
Kade, Drew, and Haydn (Amanda and Jim's son) watching the trucks. They played in the dirt most of the night with their own toy monster trucks. Ronnie, Jim, Amanda and I enjoyed "people watching" as much as we enjoyed watching the trucks. It definitely was entertaining.
Loud engines, smashing cars, near crashes/roll overs, and wheelies made for one awesome night.
I have a feeling this will be the first of many truck rallies for me.

***If anyone has the following books feel free to send them to me: Monster Trucks for Dummies, Engines for Dummies, Hunting for Dummies, Guns for Dummies, etc. I have a feeling this "Mama of two boys" is going to need to get "educated" on these subjects. =)


Jill said...

Too fun!! and those would be some helpful books for us boy moms! :)
and I loved your last post! What darling centerpieces!!

The Mellberg Family said...

I wanted to go to but we were out of town. I find those kinda things fun too.


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